We offer a range of workshop types including Private Sessions and Online Sessions.

Group Sessions
Somatic movement education focuses on the internal, proprioceptive experience of movement. Sessions consist of embodied meditation - bringing into focus awareness how one's body is feeling, facilitated through breath practices and visual anatomical guidance.

Private Sessions
In one to one practice the client leads the session with the focus being on your personal exploration of how you are feeling in your body at that moment. In a somatic movement session clients will be invited to take part in techniques such as; visual meditation, authentic movement, storytelling through a practice I call ‘moving myth’, light touch to assist physical awareness, drawing and creative writing.

Online Sessions
An online session offers much the same as an in person session. A session's focus can lean more towards a guided visual meditation that brings one into relation and grounding within your body. You are invited to move, draw, write and share your experience.